DC Winter Restaurant Week

If you haven’t heard about Restaurant Week, the DC/NOVA area does it twice a year… once in the winter and once in late summer.  It is a great way to try out some high-end restaurants that you wouldn’t normally visit.  Today starts the Metropolitan Washington Restaurant Week Winter 2013 and it runs through February 10th (Sunday).  Awfully tricky of them to stop it just before Valentine’s Day 😉


The meals are usually a three-course meal with an appetizer, entree, and dessert.  Lunches are priced at $20.13 and dinners are $35.15 (this does not include drinks or taxes/gratuity).  This winter nearly 240 restaurants around the area are participating from 2941 Restaurant in Falls Church to The Palm in Downtown.  I am planning on doing Chima (a fabulous Brazilian steakhouse)  & Charlie Palmer steakhouse this go around!  So I will be sure to come back with some thoughts and recommendations.

Enjoy the seven days of dining!!


Metropolitan Washington Restaurant Week (Feb 4-10, 2013)
240 Participating Restaurants
Additional Info: http://www.ramw.org/restaurantweek/
Serve: Lunch & Dinner
Price Range:  $20.13 & $35.13

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